price paid ca. 43.000,- €
With the support of the Fam. Pfeifer from Laives(BZ-Italy)
price paid 170.000,- €
price paid 360,- €.
price paid ca. 86.440,- €
We supported them in building a house for their extended family. The construction is already at a good point.
price paid ca. 1.000,- €
price paid 70,- €
price paid 150,- €
price paid 1.000,- €
3 friendly families from South Tyrol support his training as a nurse.
price paid 90.000,- €
This project was started in November 2018. The structure is already completed, only the interior is missing.
With 70% support from the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, we built this very necessary facility in the village.Fotoshow
price paid 87.000,- €
The old church in the Tanga province in Tanzania had become too small for the village and was in need of renovation. The villagers are Christians and so the priest approached me with a request for support for the expansion and renovation.
I came up with a BUILDING BLOCK PROMOTION: Each building block cost €.10, and so everyone could support the project with one or more building blocks. With the help of the mission office, a new church was built.The names of the donors were entered in a book that is available in the church. This way, every benefactor is included in the Maasai's prayers.
Asante = Thank you for the support - Irma and friendsthis is the sound of the donated bell from Girlan-> click hier..
price paid 40.000,- €
This well was planned back in 2012, but it was only built in spring 2015. The people in the village only drank the water from the holes in the ground, which led to many illnesses. It was very difficult to build this well, as clean drinking water was only found at a depth of 110 meters.More than 300 million people (out of over a billion) in Africa do not have sufficient access to clean drinking water. Water is also in short supply in agriculture. The supply in rural areas is particularly critical. Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world. More than 1/3 of the population lives below the poverty line. 19.5% of the population cannot read or write. The inhabitants of rural areas, such as the Maasai tribes, are particularly disadvantaged.
With financial help from the province office of Bolzano in 2015, in the village had clean water for the first time!
The joy was great. Fotoserie
price paid 15.000,- €
As the girls in the village always have to work and have no opportunity to go to school, a teacher by marriage agreed to teach the girls reading, arithmetic and writing for a few hours at sunrise. As her hut was too small for this purpose, she asked us if we could build a small school in the village.
With the help of the "Schützen" a local organization and many voluntary donors, this was then built. Since autumn 2014, both young and old girls have been going to this school. The older ones to learn and the younger ones to a kind of kindergarten.
Unfortunately, the teacher in question has died and a young, capable teacher is running the small school.Fotoserie
price paid 7.000,- €
During the dry season, water for the animals has to be scooped out of holes in the ground using buckets. By purchasing a water pump and a generator, the water can be pumped out of the water holes more quickly and the animals no longer have to suffer from thirst for so long.
price paid 1.000,- €. (mit Hilfe der Aut. Prov. Bozen)