Irma hilft – Irma aiuta Tansania e.O. |
Article 1 - Name and Scope The association bears the name "Irma hilft - Irma aiuta Tanzania", and is consequently referred to as the association. After it has been entered in the relevant section of the uniform directory of the third sector, the name is: Irma helps - irma aiuta Tanzania – voluntary organization. It is a politically and economically independent and Christian-oriented association. It is not geared towards business profit and does not pursue any profit intentions, but serves exclusively and directly for the charitable purpose of development-cooperation. The organization promotes volunteering in the areas of activity below. Article 2 - Objective 2.1 Objective The association aims to contribute 2.1.1 to ensure the basic needs of people in developing countries as well as their self-sufficiency with food, taking best possible account of local approaches to self-directed development; 2.1.2 to promote development projects with the active participation of the affected population and in accordance with their wishes and interests, abilities and possibilities as well as in accordance with the ecological conditions and requirements; 2.1.3 to promote initiatives in the field of general and school education and training work on issues of peace, international solidarity, human rights and economic, social and cultural development. 2 bis - activities The association exclusively or predominantly exercises activities in the general interest according to Art. 5, Legislative Decree No. 117/2017, to achieve the non-profit objective. The general interest activities are as follows: Development work in accordance with Law No. 125 of August 11, 2014, as amended. In addition, other activities within the meaning of Art. 6 of Legislative Decree No. 117/2017 can be carried out which are secondary and instrumental to the activities carried out in the general interest, which are shown in the balance sheet and determined by the board. The activities of the association are mainly carried out by the association members who provide their services on a voluntary basis. The association's assets and any surpluses may not be distributed among the members and must be used for the activities documented in the statute in order to achieve the association's charitable goals. 2.2 Actions In order to achieve the stated objectives, the association can take the following measures in particular within the framework of the activities it carries out in the general interest: 2.2.1 Projects 2.2.1. Promotion of projects in the agricultural sector and of projects that affect the basic self-sufficiency of the population with local or regional products; 2.2.2 Funding of development projects that directly or indirectly serve the goals mentioned under 2.1, such as afforestation, ecologically sound farming and the conservation of basic resources; 2.2.3 Promotion of projects in the fields of education, vocational training and handicrafts, taking into account the existing knowledge and skills of the respective population; 2.2.4 Participation in the expansion of the health system and infrastructure; 2.2.5 Promotion of projects, mainly in the cooperative sector, which stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives, especially of small and medium-sized enterprises, which mainly supply the local and regional market with their products; 2.2.6 Promotion of socially and ecologically justifiable projects in the fields of energy production, industry and tourism, which create jobs and qualification opportunities for the local population in the phase of construction and operation; 2.2.7 Promotion of special projects to improve the situation of workers, women, children and young people; 2.2.8 Non-bureaucratic emergency aid in the event of a catastrophe following applicable regulations. The neediness of the population, in particular the effects on economic and social development associated with a project, the elaboration and application of knowledge about suitable technologies and the cultural development of the people in developing countries. 2.2.9 Education and training programs in developing countries Promotion of training and further education programs in developing countries that benefit the local population and help to achieve the goals mentioned under 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. Promotion of exchange programs and partnerships. Information and educational work on the problem of underdevelopment Information and awareness-raising work in the South Tyrolean population and support for initiatives by public and private educational institutions, also through school programs. The focus of the information work should be:
2.3 realize individual, self-developed projects and take part in cross-sectoral or integrated projects with other development cooperation organizations;< 2.4 use state-recognized organizations for development cooperation to identify, develop and execute projects; Article 3 - Location and duration The association has its headquarters in Eppan and is founded for an indefinite period. The year of activity begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st of each year. Article 4 - Financing The association is financed from the following sources: contributions, donations and grants from private and public bodies, voluntary
donations from events (exhibitions, etc.), commercial sideline activities or other additional activities in accordance with Art. 6
of Legislative Decree No. 117/2017, contributions to expenses, material collections, inheritances and legacies. Any annual surpluses
do not go to the members, but are used in the next working year for the objectives.
functions and activities of any kind that a member performs for the
association are free of charge. The reimbursement of expenses, which
a member had for the execution of a task assigned by the association,
will be carried out with the corresponding prior application and
approval by the board. 5.7 In order to achieve its own objectives, the association can join public or private bodies which have the same or similar objectives. The membership is to be approved by the general assembly and is considered to be resolved if the decision is made with a 2/3 majority of the votes validly cast by the members. Article 6 - Organs of the association The organs of the association are:
Article 7 - The General Assembly 7.1 The general assembly is the highest body of the association and consists of all voting members of the association. All members who have reached the age of fourteen are entitled to vote. Each member (physical person) has one vote. Every absent voting member can be represented by a voting member present who is not a member of the board and the auditor. Representation can only be exercised on the basis of a written power of representation. A voting member cannot represent more than three members (physical persons). 7.2 The plenary meeting is called at least once a year at a time that the board deems appropriate. The general assembly has the following tasks:
7.3 The General Assembly has a quorum, when first called, if half of the members entitled to vote are present or represented by proxy. In the second convocation, the General Assembly makes final decisions with a majority, regardless of the number of members entitled to vote 7.4 The general assembly generally takes the resolutions with a simple majority of votes. The vote takes place in a secret ballot by means of ballot papers or by a show of hands if more than half of the voting members present agree. The election of the board of directors and the chairperson takes place in a secret ballot. 7.5 If elections take place at a plenary meeting, three voting counters from those present are determined, possibly including members who are not entitled to vote. The tellers report the result of the election to the chairman of the general assembly. 7.6 The general assembly can be called by post, e-mail, fax or other telematic means at least ten days before the appointed date. The invitation must contain the agenda. 7.7 The general assembly is generally chaired by the chairman and, if he is unable to do so, by the deputy chairman. With the consent of the board of directors, any member of the board of directors can chair. In the case of ballots or motions of confidence, the chairperson is replaced by a person elected by the general assembly. 7.8 General assemblies can be requested at any time by the chairperson, by the majority of the board and by at least one tenth of the members of the association, but with details of the agenda. Article 8 - The Board of Directors 8.1 The association is managed by a board of directors, which consists of at least five and a maximum of seven members. The exact number is determined by the general assembly before the election. It is elected by the general assembly from among the members in a direct secret ballot. If one of the elected leaves office, he / she will be replaced by the first not elected. If no unelected person is available, a replacement election will be held by the general assembly. 8.2 The board of directors elects a deputy chairman, a secretary and a treasurer from among its ranks. The board of directors can call on advisory boards without voting rights to achieve its objectives. In this case, the responsibilities of the named contributors are precisely defined. The board meets at least twice a year. 8.3 The tasks of the board include:
Article 9 - The chairperson 9.1 The chairperson represents the association externally and is the legal representative of the association. He / she calls the general assembly and the board meetings, presides over the board, executes the decisions of the board and takes care of all tasks set out in the statutes. He / she signs all administrative and accounting documents. Together with the secretary, he / she signs the minutes of the plenary meeting and the board of directors. He / she is represented in all his / her functions and duties by the deputy chairman in the event of absence or hindrance. The chairperson determines the agenda for the board meetings. 9.2 The chairperson can make urgent decisions himself and without asking the board if it is not possible to convene the board. The chairperson must inform the board of directors of such urgency decisions at the next meeting before they are ratified. Article 10 - Auditing The general assembly elects two effective auditors who must be members of the organization and who supervise the work of the board in financial terms. They are only responsible to the general assembly and have to declare to the same at the annual general assembly whether they are able to relieve the board in its financial management. The term of office corresponds to that of the board. If the thresholds provided for in Art. 30 of Legislative Decree 117/2017, which require the establishment of a control body, are exceeded, the General Assembly will determine a control body instead of the auditors. Article 11 - Amendments to the Articles of Association These statutes can only be changed by the general assembly. To amend the statutes, 2/3 of all voting members present must be in favor, and at least half of all voting members must be present in the first convocation; in the second convocation it has a quorum regardless of the number of voting members present. Representations are possible. Article 12 - Dissolution of the association The dissolution of the association can only be decided with a 3/4 majority of all members. Every absent voting member and every association can be represented at the votes in the plenary meeting by a present voting member who does not belong to the board and the auditors. Representation can only be exercised on the basis of a written power of representation. A voting member cannot represent more than three members (physical persons) or only one association.
the event of a dissolution, the assets of the association will be
transferred to other corporations in the third sector after all
obligations have been fulfilled, in compliance with the statutory
provisions and the required statement from the competent authorities.
The individual members cannot acquire ownership of the association's
assets, neither during the existence of the association exists nor if
it is dissolved.
Article 14: data protection Each member undertakes to treat all data and information directly or indirectly / accidentally received or created in the course of membership confidentially and to process it lawfully and securely exclusively for the purposes of the association. Only the information and data that are absolutely necessary for the respective purpose are processed as briefly as possible, protected from unauthorized persons. The obligation of secrecy applies for an indefinite period. 06/12/2019 |